Sunday, November 25, 2012

Thankful for the Simple Truths of the Gospel

I have been going through the book of Zechariah in my daily devotional. The picture received in Zechariah 11 is different from Zechariah 10. Trying to anchor this prophecy in history is next to impossible and the text is difficult. It seems to cover a wider span of history and perhaps going past our present times. The prophecy begins with the desolation of the land; then goes into the rejection of the Messiah and to the destruction of all that do not accept Christ as the Messiah.

On the other hand, the gospel message is really a simple one. Explained throughout the Bible is this need to be reconnected to God. Sin had disconnected people from God and the solution is His Son who died on the Cross as the ultimate sacrifice. We no longer have to fulfill the law but simply belief that Jesus is our Savior. Here’s a link to God's Plan for Us which documents a study I led with a small group.

Jesus is the way and the glue that holds us together. During difficult times like a death in the family or sickness, God’s people are there to care for each other. In the book, The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren, the following is written, “As believers we share one Lord, one body, one purpose, one Father, one Spirit, one hope, one faith, one baptism, and one love. We share the same salvation, the same life, and the same future - factors far more important than any differences we could enumerate”.

Alone we are just one small drop of water but together with God and with other believers we combine to form an entire ocean that brings new life. The video below helps to illustrate this point: Dolphins rescued by people at the beach.

So in Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others. - Romans 12:5

This day with God, I’m praying that I encourage, build up, and humbly care for my brothers and sisters in Christ. Together, there is an amazing impact.

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Sunday, November 18, 2012

This Day with God, Let Him Fight Your Battles

Over and over again, God fought battles for the Israelites in the Old Testament and delivered them. As a child of God, we can let Him fight our battles. The metaphor used “sparkle like jewels in a crown” is our reward of salvation which sets us free. We are exceptionally valuable and the inspiration God gives in writing or sharing about faith will sparkle so that others will be attracted to follow the path to freedom. Here’s a video to inspire: Amazing Grace (My Chains are Gone) - Chris Tomlin.

Behold, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to everyone according to what he has done. - Revelation 22:12

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Sunday, November 11, 2012

Truth Will Always Be Truth

Truth will always be truth. The truth is that all religious leaders have been buried and we know where their bones are except for one leader and that leader is Jesus. No one knows where the bones of Jesus are buried because He’s still alive! We should seek areas of our life where we fall short and study the principles He has given us to live by. We can neutralize negative habits and push for ones that set us free. Here’s a video to help inspire following the Truth: Solid As The Rock - Avalon.

In my integrity you uphold me and set me in your presence forever. - Psalms 41:12

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Sunday, November 4, 2012

Training Takes Effort

In reflecting on yesterday’s reading of Zechariah 5-6, there is a choice we make in order to become more like Christ. Training for anything be it in sports or in life takes effort. I mentioned yesterday about going out for the football team when in the 10th grade. The hot summer days with two a day practices was grueling and towards the end of our summer work outs, my football coach took the team to see Rocky. Here’s a video of the grueling training: Rocky.

Now I rejoice in what I am suffering for you, and I fill up in my flesh what is still lacking in regard to Christ’s afflictions, for the sake of his body, which is the church. – Colossians 1:24

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