Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Peace of Mind and Joy

Billy Graham was quoted to say the following, “The word romance, according to the dictionary, means, excitement, adventure, and something extremely real. Romance should last a lifetime”. When I was single, the guys in a small group at my church made lasagna from scratch for the single girls of that group and planned a dinner for them on Valentine’s Day. I don’t know if it’s a coincidence or what but about four or five marriages were produced from that group.

There is something to be said about having a partner for life. Researchers have found that people who are lonely have more health issues. Loneliness is more of a factor in health concerns than being overweight, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure. There are not many happy hermits. God created us to be social beings that depend on one another. Psychiatrists have done studies to proof that having meaningful relationships will add to better health.

In Luke 14:16-24 is the parable of the great banquet. Invitations were sent out for a feast but everyone made excuses for not showing up. The lesson is to not miss out on the gift of God who helps us physically, mentally, socially, and spiritually.

What provisions has God made for us? Every person is in equal standing with God who wants to provide us with joy and peace of mind. He is a God of justice who makes wrongs right. This is provided for in that everyone who believes in what the gospel clearly explains and accepts God’s Son as their savior has a protective antidote to a life of eternal misery. Our needs are provided for and He provides joy and peace of mind.

Two ways to increase both physical and mental health are to be kind to others and to be the person that God desires you to be by following His instructions. These are prescriptions to keeping a sound mind filled with wisdom and a sound body that makes available a wholesome dwelling for your soul.

Each day during the week, I write a post at this link. The mission of this blog is to demonstrate an instrument for Bible study that uses technology to develop a better way to study the Bible by integrating the principles or core values God gives into our daily life at work and at home. One core value God gives that I think is important is to take care of our physical and mental body. Next week, we will continue with this core value God gives that I think is important to being all we are intended to be. We will get more into how to build up this key core value in the post next weekend.

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