Friday, March 29, 2013

Courage to Carry Out His Purpose

I have been inspired by all the wonderful posts this Good Friday and thank God for blessing me with more than I deserve. Reading the post, made me think about the tremendous courage it took for Christ to carry out His purpose.

I remember doing a topic study years ago about courage and found many examples of courage in the Bible. A few, I would like to share.

In Luke 9:11-28, the servant did not maximize his master’s gains because he was afraid to take a risk and make the money multiply. The lesson I learned is to have faith to step out and do what would produce the best return.

In Acts 4:1-12, Peter is proclaiming Christ as the savior to the same group that had crucified Him. What courage it took to speak about this in front of this audience.

As we see in Acts 25:23-26:32, God is the source of Paul’s courage. Within these scriptures, I see someone with the courage to admit that he once persecuted Christians and the courage to talk about controversial issues even when placed in a very difficult situation.

When Paul faced opposition in Corinth, God gave him assurance of safety. He spoke to Paul in a vision telling him to keep on teaching the gospel and not be afraid because he would be protected (Acts 18:1-11).

The Word says that God stood near Paul and told him to take courage. There is a peace in knowing that God is with you. Paul had that peace and trusted God to help him in time of need (Acts 22:30-23:11)

Like looking up at a scoreboard and seeing that your team is winning, we can see a clear picture of victory found in the Bible and know that Jesus is the most valuable player. To read more about my thoughts on courage, take a few minutes to read this post titled No Fear of Failure.

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