Sunday, March 30, 2014

Questions for Reflection for Study of Psalm 143-146

David was on the run as He wrote Psalm 139-142. He was running from Saul’s men who were sent to kill him. Saul was jealous of David and saw him as a threat to his power. David is discouraged, an emotional wreck, alone, and in physical danger so he humbly goes before God in prayer for help.
We can learn from reading the Psalms the need to develop this same kind of honesty with God that David displays. There are situations we go through where our only hope is in God; when all our strength comes only from Him.
David knows he is not perfect but flawed. God had done great things for David in the past but as He writes this part of the Psalms, he’s hiding from Saul’s men in a desperate situation. Even in this situation, he still praises God.
Like David, we may face difficult days ahead but we can overcome by turning our sites on the greatness of God. Over the next few weeks, I will be posting about my journey through Psalm 143-146 and will use the questions below to help focus on each passage.

Psalm 143
On what basis does David make his prayer? What factors cause David to be thirsty for God? Summarize the basis for David’s confidence that God would answer his prayer.
Psalm 144
What symbols does David use to describe God? How does God show that He is interested in us? Contrast the power of man with the power of God.
Psalm 145
List the characteristics of God and His actions. Who and what is included under God’s compassion? How should this make a difference in the way you look at people?
Psalm 146
To what has the psalmist dedicated their life and what is their stimulus? What is the by-product of faith in God? How is eventual ruin of the wicked an encouragement to steadfastness and righteousness?
The above reading plan will be used as I share over the next few posts. It’s important to have a plan. I’m thankful that Jesus is God’s plan for us and by accepting Him as Savior; we have taken the steps necessary to make this day with Him amazing! At this link: God’s Plan for Us, is a post about accepting God’s plan or reaffirming our “YES” for Christ. 
Feel free to respond with a short note or a comment about any of the questions above. Also, I welcome any other thoughts or ideas, favorite inspirational videos, photos, or favorite Bible verses. Just add them to the comments or to a Facebook page I’ve set up at this link: This Day With God. 
Resources and Supplementary Helps Used in Posts
Adeney, Carol. This Morning with God. Downer Grove Illinois: InterVarsity Press, 1978
First United Methodist Waco Podcast
Christ Notes
Family Times
Image Source

For an inspirational start to each day, join the journey at: This Day with God Devotional.

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