Sunday, December 16, 2012

Everyone has Tremendous Value in God’s Eyes

Think of people or groups that are favored by the world. Those wearing fine clothes, the pretty people on the outside, those with nice cars, and those that live in nice neighborhoods. In James 2:1-13, we are told that such partiality is absolutely wrong. James tells us that God has chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the world to be rich in faith and inherit the kingdom He promised those who love him (v. 5). The right way to live and the standard for our actions are to follow the golden rule, “To love your neighbor as yourself” (v. 8).

The Gospel law of liberty gives freedom to everyone. We are to alleviate barriers or obstacles people face by accepting, appreciating, and affirming everyone that lives by the “Golden Rule”. All Christians share a common father so respect all people because God loves them. We are not to respect others because of mere outward circumstances and appearances. We shouldn’t favor the rich and look down on the poor or accept only those with our same skin color or only the strong and healthy rather than the disabled.

As you go throughout each day, be aware of simple things you can do that will make a big difference to help others get over the barriers that stand in their way? Here’s a video to illustrate how we can apply today’s lesson: Ducklings Get Just What They Need.

Success is not fancy cloths, cars, and homes but discipline and inner peace. If you are tempted to judge others this day with God, be reminded that everyone has tremendous value in His eyes.

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