As we step ahead on the path of
our journey, there will be those who will try to put roadblocks in our way.
Just like the post Stepping Ahead of Roadblocks when The Sadducees asked Jesus a question to try and show discrepancies in His
teachings, there will be non-believers that we will come up against. These
situations give us an opportunity to explain the soundness and victory found in
the Word.
This day with You Father, help
us to step ahead by taking in the Word to fortify us. Help us to remain
optimistic because with You, we are highly favored. Amen!
A little bit of faith goes a
long way and can change those who don’t believe. Here’s a video to inspire our
day: Something in the Water – Carrie Underwood.
See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive
philosophy which depends on human tradition and the elemental spiritual forces
of this world rather than on Christ. - Colossians 2:8