Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Finding Missing Pieces can Lead to Tremendous Increases

Working with computer systems, many times things don’t go as they should because one piece is missing. Like a recipe, all the ingredients must be there and applied like the instructions tell you.

One time, I was setting up this system and doing some testing but I just couldn’t figure out why the bar code was not printing on a document we send out through our mail machine. Eventually, after spending some time going through all the pieces and asking for a fellow worker to go through it with me, we found one piece of code that was missing. When this code was included, everything worked.

You might have that missing piece for someone that may make their life easier and this might make all the difference between helping them have a good day or a bad day. The words you say or the ideas you give can make all the difference and we need all kinds of people on our team, especially in our complicated world in which we live today.

Here is a video using a country song and the students of a Jr High to explain the importance of all kinds of people. A good team, good school, or good company requires all kinds of people working together; using individual skills to help lead to success. Enjoy today’s video: All Kinds of Kinds – North Park Jr High – Miranda Lambert.  

May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had, so that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! - Romans 15:5-6

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Plan that Unifies

God gives us insight into how to play our part in a bright future and gives us plans in order to make an impact. In the post The Written Plan, some thoughts were shared about a letter written to handle some growing pains of the early church. The devil was trying to disrupt their unity but this letter declared their plan for unity.

God has given us a plan that unifies all believers. At this link is “God’s Plan for Us” in a word document that can be read, downloaded and signed by anyone that would like to accept Christ as their Lord and Savior.

Today’s video Born Again by Newsboys is about this decision for Christ that simplifies and unifies so we are all on the path to a brighter future. This day with God will be amazing because of who God is and who you are; an important name in history – one of His children.

“...let us know His secret purpose.  This was what God wanted, and He planned to do it through Christ.  His goal was to carry out His plan, when the right time came, that all things in heaven and on earth would be joined together in Christ as the head. - Ephesians 1:9-11

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Simplifying and Unifying

The early church grew fast but there were some growing pains. They struggled with whom should be accepted. Was a person accepted by God through good works or by grace? They were trapped by the meaningless rituals, legalisms, and ceremonies that burdens believers and this provoked disunity.

The lesson is that we need not get wrapped up in the meaningless but instead get wrapped up in the ONE essential; acceptance of Jesus as Savior. We can overcome the enemy by simplifying and unifying and Jesus does both for us. Enjoy today’s inspiring video: Empty Me – Jeremy Camp.

What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God be with us, who can be against us? - Romans 8:31

Thursday, June 16, 2016

There Is No Debate That He Is Great

In the post “Worship the ONE True God”, written about was that the people of Lystra believed in many gods. Barnabas and Paul wanted the people to put all their attention on the ONE true God who provides for all our needs and lives in our heart.

God’s principles never change. A daily devotional time using “This Day with God” internalizes His guiding principles so they become an instrument which pushes us to focus on Him in every activity throughout our day.

Even the activity of watching TV can help us focus more on Him. A few years ago on the TV show “The Voice”, Holly Tucker sang a song that puts our focus on how great our God is.

Holly is from the community in which I live and I’ve had the opportunity to hear her in local concerts. Enjoy today’s inspiring video How Great Thou Art – Holly Tucker.

Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. - Colossians 3:2

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

He Is In Our Midst so Persist

There are days we may be tired, confused, or kind of down but if we keep going and make some progress for that day, we can wake up the next day with some momentum that eventually gets us back up to full speed. This day with God can be amazing because of our faith in the possibilities He gives.

Persistence like a stream of water eventually cuts into a rock and if we remain persistent at focusing on the possibilities God gives, we can cut into and go through any obstacle in our way.

With God, we have something amazing and there is no need to add anything extra; just highlight the amazing and keep it simple. That’s what I like about this song: Press On – Building 429

So you must be brave. Don’t give up! God will honor you for obeying him. - 2 Chronicles 15:7

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Waiting Yet Anticipating

Patience is definitely a virtue. In the post “Desire to Hear More”, Paul and Barnabas shared the Good News; some desired to hear more but others were in no mood to listen and even took out their anger on the messengers.

It is still the same for us today and we should employ the same attitude that Paul and Barnabas did by continuing to be encouraged, simply shaking off the dust, and remain steady in offering the Good News to those ready to listen.

Today’s inspiring video shares this encouragement as we patiently wait on the Lord’s return: Even So Come – Kristian Stanill.

 I wait on the Lord, my soul does wait, and in His Word I hope. - Psalm 37:4

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

No Fear - He is Near

The post “Strength for the Journey” is about Paul sharing with the people that our God is an Awesome God. He is our strength and our greatest asset is not in being like everyone else but in being who we are; a precious child of God.

We are never alone because He goes before us, He is with us, and His Spirit lives in us. Because of these facts, we have unlimited potential because of His unlimited potential. It is up to us to realize how God can use us to spread the Good News.

Today’s inspirational video is about this help God gives to pull us through anything. He takes our burdens and puts them on His shoulders. There is no fear - He is near: Shoulders - For King and Country.

God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. - Psalm 46:1

Friday, June 3, 2016

No Need to Cower For We Have a Great Power

In the post, The Courage to Walk against the Enemy, the photo I used was of this small cat walking in front of a line of dogs. It made me remember when a small kitten showed up at our house a couple of years ago. We have a big dog but the cat was not afraid of anything.

Later, we found out that our neighbors had gotten a new kitten and it was their kitten. After thinking about this experience, it hit me that the kitten was not afraid because it had a home. It had a home with food, shelter, and love just like we should not be afraid because Jesus has provided a home for each of us.

We can face our fears with boldness because the power of the Holy Spirit is with us. We can walk down a dark and painful road because of this power and the security of God’s promise of a home in paradise for each of us. Join in the praise today with today’s video: Same Power – Jeremy Camp.

The Lord is my light and my salvation - whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life - of whom shall I be afraid? - Psalm 27:1

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Accept the Vision and Make the Decision

When the people gathered together at the church of Antioch as described in the post Guided by the Holy Spirit, they would worship, fast, and pray. Then they would listen to the Holy Spirit for instructions on how to take action on this guidance.

As you watch and listen to today’s video Here I Am Lord, accept the vision of the good you can do for a group, good cause, or other ministry. Pray about this vision and for decisions on ways to take action.

In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead. - James 2:17