Friday, November 29, 2013

The Discipline of Josiah

We discover in reading 2 Chronicles 34 that Josiah ruled much differently than his father and grandfather. His character contained the element of discipline and he sought God’s direction. His reforms were thorough as he set out to completely destroy the idols and images.
Photo from Google Images
The Temple of the Lord was in terrible condition so Josiah set out to have it cleaned and repaired. It was during this work that the Book of the Law was found. Obvious to him was the fact that it had not been read or applied over the years. Upon hearing the Law read, Josiah was full of anger, sorrow, and sadness because he knew that past generations had not followed what was written.
The king had a strong influence over the people as shown in verses 31-33. Everyone pledged to follow the Lord and keep His commands. Let us pray for Christian leaders in each of our communities and in the government; that their influence for God may be strong. 
Josiah was a king who went by the Book of the Law of the Lord and took action. This day with God, be inspired by the discipline of this king. Pray that our leaders today will make a change and understand the proven positive result of working faithfully by the Book.
For growing in God’s power with the Holy Spirit as our guide, there is an on-line devotional being used to keep me on track. I invite you to join the journey on Facebook and be notified of new posts by clicking like. 

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Inspirational Poem 11/23/2013

Studying in 2 Chronicles 31-33 this past week, I’ve learned that one of the main attributes of any leader is having confidence and this in turn gives confidence to their followers. Here’s a poem that this study has inspired: Giving Confidence.

I hope you have had a great week with God and are looking forward to next as we celebrate Thanksgiving. Have a wonderful weekend!

Photo from Google Images

For growing in God’s power with the Holy Spirit as our guide, there is an on-line devotional being used to keep me on track. I invite you to join the journey by clicking on this link Facebook and being notified of new posts by clicking like.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

The Sharp Double-Edged Sword

Photo Credit - Google Images

We face a war between the forces of good and evil in our daily living. Think of the entertainment industry. Here’s a post from Proverbial Thought about the conflict we constantly have to contend with in a society that praises vulgarity, violence, and vice.
We do not go alone so never fear. Trust in God in rainy days or the heat of a pressure filled day or whatever each day brings. Don’t be shaken. God’s Word is like a sword to protect us against the enemy.
To sharpen this sword as we battle each day, I think it’s important to reflect, meditate on, and memorize the Word. As I reflected on the passages I studied this past week, there are two poems at the links below that were inspired and my hope is that they help affirm the need for prayer and to encourage each other:
Where Everything Begins
Invite and Encourage
Have a blessed weekend my friends! For an inspirational start to each day, join the journey at: This Day with God Devotional.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

The Faith Factor

Photo from Google Images

The most important factor in the growth of Uzziah’s power is that he sought God and grew in faith as presented in 2 Chronicles 26-27. Uzziah received help from his instructor named Zechariah who taught him to fear God. He was victorious in war and he rebuilt towns as God helped. Other accomplishments included building towers to help with securing Judah and cisterns to help provide water for the livestock in the rural areas. He put to work many in the fields and vineyards of the fertile lands (V. 26:10).
He had a well trained army with plenty of weapons and supplies. His political power and fame spread until pride got to him. He burned incense to God in the temple and this was not right because only the priests were consecrated for this activity. The priests corrected him but Uzziah became angry. While he was raging at the priests in their presence before the incense altar in the Lord’s temple, leprosy broke out on his forehead (V. 26:19). He spent the rest of his life in seclusion.
Jotham his son became king at the age of 25 and he learned from his father’s successes and mistakes.  The only weakness of his rule as noted by the chronicler is that the people continued their corrupt practices (V. 27:2).  He did not enter the temple of the Lord and he kept his pride in check and was mostly successful throughout his reign.
Faith was a factor in success for both Uzziah and Jotham. It can also be a major factor in our own life and goals. It is faith that provides a balanced life; assuring hope for a positive future during difficulties and humility during good times. This day with God, believe that every doubt or fear will be replaced with a deep abiding trust in Him.
For an inspirational start to each day, join the journey at: This Day with God Devotional.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Community Service

This past week, there were several opportunities for me to be involved in community service. Last Saturday night,  our community held the American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life  and at work this week, we started the United Way campaign.
In memory of my mom, my immediate family, neighbors, and my brother and sisters dedicated Luminary candles. If you, a family member, or friend has been impacted by cancer, please consider dedicating a Luminary candle in honor or memory of someone. Here is a link to help you take action now: Dedicate a Luminaria candle.

Another great organization is the United Way. They have a mission to advance the common good through education, income, and health. I went to a rally Wednesday held by John Key, local Executive Director of Economic Opportunities Advancement Corp (EOAC). He talked about programs that allow low-income parents to afford the reliable child care they need and provide at-risk children with the early learning experiences they need for success in school and life.
Issues with the economy, health, and education are major obstacles to the advancement of the common good. As a society, we have to deal with things like cancer, heart disease, and poverty. We must keep our outlook bright. Here is a poem I recently wrote that emphasizes how important faith is as we face these challenges: The Clear Advantage.