Saturday, October 26, 2013

Faith Inspires True Courage

Reading in 2 Chronicles 20:14-37, the people of Judah had assembled and Jahaziel stands up to tell them what the Lord has said to him which is to not be afraid or discouraged about the vast army coming at them because He will be with them. God had spoken to Jahaziel with instructions and the people believed in the plan. They responded with worship and praise to God. Then set out with faith to carry out the plan.
Faith inspires true courage. King Jehoshaphat stood in front of the people of Judah to inspire and give courage to his people as they set out to face the enemy. They then started singing and praising the Lord as they headed to battle. While doing this, the Lord was already setting up events for victory; giving advantages to Judah and even confusing the enemies so they were destroying each other.
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The Lord gave them victory. At this point in history, the other kingdoms began to notice that God was on Judah’s side so they were afraid to attack them. There was peace and rest for Judah at this time in history but the people again didn’t put their total heart and soul on God so there was mediocrity instead of excellence in their future.
This day with God, pray for protection from evil and victory over temptation. Note how the Bible gives great advice and have assurance that there is victory in Christ to win any battle that life brings.
For an inspirational start to each day, join the journey at: This Day with God Devotional.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Reaching New Heights

Reading in 2 Chronicles 19 and writing some thoughts yesterday, I noted that Jehoshaphat reformed the system of justice as he appointed judges of integrity. Justice, fairness, consideration, and cooperation shape societies of integrity for a future that reaches new heights.

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I remember once when my daughter was in Kindergarten and they invited all Dads over for a few hours of flying kites. We went out into a field beside the school. In short time, I looked over and many could get their kites to fly but ours struggled. Then I looked at our kite and noticed the part that holds the wings together was not secure; the part that is in the shape of a cross. Once I secured this part of the kite, it immediately was lifted and flew high.

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This day with God, I would like to say to you my friends that the part that holds us together is the Cross. Because of Christ dying on the Cross, we are lifted higher. Like the part of the kite in the shape of a cross, the integrity of the Cross secures all sides together and allows the power of the Holy Spirit to lift to new heights.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Faith in the Rock of Ages

Reading in 2 Chronicles 16, we should learn to rely not so much on what men can do but on what the Rock of Ages has done and will continue to do. Be connected to the source of everything good; His love is certain, His guidance is trustworthy, and His Word is timeless. With faith in God, we can move mountains like this video explains: Only a Mountain – Jason Castro.

For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to Him. – 2 Chronicles 16:9

For an inspirational start to each day, join the journey at: 

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Be Lifted to New Heights of Accomplishment

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The event recorded in 2 Chronicles 13 is another inspiring occurrence where we see the results of God’s favor at work just like David defeating Goliath, the Red Sea and Moses, or Daniel and the lion’s den. If we can just simplify our life and let God do the amazing part, we can be lifted to new heights of accomplishment. God can expand our thinking and give us confidence to adventure out to explore new opportunities that fulfill the purpose He has for us.
In today’s reading, Jeroboam’s northern kingdom seemed to have the military advantage with an army twice the size as Abijah’s fighting men but God was not on their side because the priests in Jeroboam’s northern kingdom were selected by them and their gods were idols like golden calves. On the other hand, the southern kingdom called Judah led by Abijah worshiped the LORD; Jehovah, the only true God. The priests in Judah were the sons of Aaron and the Levites who assisted them.
Jeroboam had set up an ambush and with the number soldiers in his army, it looked like a sure win but Judah had one big advantage; God was on their side. They ended up routing Jeroboam because they relied on the LORD, the God of their fathers (v. 18).
When the God of the universe intervenes, there is optimism, confidence, and decisiveness. It is like the runner with the wind at their back or the team with momentum. This day, think about what it means to have a God who intervenes. Believe that He will lead you to where you did not expect to go and shape you in ways you had not anticipated.
For an inspirational start to each day, join the journey at This Day with God Devotional.