Saturday, May 31, 2014

Invitation to the Future

In Revelation 4, we come to the section about the future. John is included so he could see and understand the things that are to happen on earth. In turn, he would record this experience so we could all understand.
In this vision, John sees an open door up to heaven and a voice tells him to come up.  He goes up and sees God sitting on a throne (v. 2). Qualities of God as king, governor, and judge sitting on a throne are extolled. A rainbow encircled the throne and surrounding the throne were twenty-four other thrones with twenty-four elders sitting on them. They were dressed in white and had crowns of gold (v. 4).
Image Source – Jeff’s Prayer Connection
From the throne come flashes of lightening and in front of the throne, seven lamps were blazing (seven spirits of God). A sea of glass that is clear as crystal looked like it was in front of the throne (v. 6). John was given this vision to help us see what heaven will be like; a place far more beautiful than the human eye has ever seen or the mind ever imagined.
Most want to go to heaven some day but not right away. The good thing is that life is not really ended by death. For those of us who believe in Christ, it only changes because we make a great step from faith into vision when we leave this earth. We will someday find a life far more beautiful than we could ever imagine.
For an inspirational start to each day, join the journey at: This Day with God Devotional.

Friday, May 23, 2014

Give a Little Extra

In yesterday’s post Barely Hanging On, I wrote about how the church at Sardis was in decline. They needed to give a little extra to make good things happen. In our own lives today, that’s still a lesson we need to hear. 
What steps can you take to go the extra mile to solve a problem? One idea is to come up with questions that need answered. Another is to ask for directions or seek advice that may help. Below are examples of what giving a little extra can do: 
  • A commander of an Army was thought to be a total failure but he didn’t give up. His name was George Washington.
  • A company had some problems with their systems at first but then they came up with a new system. The system was Windows and the company was Microsoft.
  • Moses and Caleb rose to prominence and fulfilled God’s purpose after the age of 80
  • Jesus can change dark days into ones of joy and hope. That’s what He did for two of His followers on the road to Emmaus
  • At 211 degrees, water is hot but at 212 degrees, it’s boiling. Ask God to help find that little extra passion to make things happen.
Ask God to help you find that little extra today. Here is a video to inspire: Help Me Find It – Sidewalk Prophets.

So you must be brave. Don’t give up! God will honor you for obeying him. – 2 Chronicles 15:7

For an inspirational start to each day, join the journey at: This Day with God Devotional.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Seek the Prize and Arise

Believe God will give you what you need and keep working to paint a picture of future victory. Here’s a video to inspire this action: Revelation Song – Kari Jobe.

But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded. – 2 Chronicles 15:7

For an inspirational start to each day, join the journey at: This Day with God Devotional.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Standing Up to Fear

The early Christian church faced persecution but Christ’s description of himself as the ONE who is the First (with God from the beginning) and the Last (the judge of all); who died and came to life again (Rev. 2:8) brought a reason to stand up to their fear. He gave them hope and comfort in serving a higher purpose than themselves. They were not shaken; just like this video points out: We won’t Be Shaken – Building 429.

Be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart, all you that hope in the LORD. – Psalms 31:24

For an inspirational start to each day, join the journey at: This Day with God Devotional.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Discover the Love of God and Reveal it to Others

Anyone that reads, hears, and applies His Word to their daily lives will benefit. Discover the love of God and reveal this love to others so that they may receive the reward God wants for them. Here is a link to a poem written with these thoughts in mind: King of Kings.
For an inspirational start to each day, join the journey at: This Day with God Devotional.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

The Victorious Life

Faithful people have reason to praise God. As written in Psalm 149, joy and enthusiasm characterize their praise. The Lord takes delight in His believers and provides victory (v. 4). The characteristic that is linked to a victorious life is humility because a humble person follows the will of God and God finds pleasure in those that carry out His purpose.
This Psalm is a military song of victory with God’s people fighting His battle. I found an interesting illustration about this Psalm in Family Times. Many times, the skill level between people is not all that different. The British Army officer named Duke of Wellington along with the coalition defeated the French army leader and Emperor named Napoleon Bonaparte. Why was one victorious at Waterloo when both had almost the exact backgrounds? They both had 4 brothers and three sisters, they both lost their father at a young age, they both studied at the same military school, they both became great military leaders. The difference maker is having God on your side. God is in control of the future and you want to be on His side.
God needs those that worship Him but also willing to stand up against injustice and evil. Little by little, we can gain victories over the things that cause crime, poverty, and bad health. The Israelites carried out God’s purpose in their day and we can carry out God’s purpose as we fight against the negatives in our world today. Each day with God can be amazing when we realize that He can bless us with more victories than all the grains of sand on earth.
For an inspirational start to each day, join the journey at: This Day with God Devotional.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Celebrate the Risen Christ on Easter Tomorrow

As we celebrate the risen Christ on Easter tomorrow, remember the type of love Jesus showed. As my Pastor talked about in his message on Palm Sunday, May we all follow the example of Jesus who showed us what the world can be like when there is love of God, love of our neighbor, and we serve the needs of each other. Enjoy today’s video: You Are I Am by Mercyme – Fisher of Men.

Have a Happy Easter my friends!

For an inspirational start to each day, join the journey at: This Day with God Devotional.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Hope in the Lord

The psalmist has dedicated his life to praising the Lord as pointed out in Psalm 146. The psalmist points out that those who hope in the Lord are more trustworthy. Many societies put their hope in a government but history has told us that governments are not always trustworthy.
I heard recently that for the first time in the history of the United States, more people are receiving government assistance than are working. Our nation cannot expect to make it if this continues. People have to be willing to go the extra mile for each other and not depend on a government. We must realize that what works is our faith in God and in each other. Incentives have to be put in place to encourage the creation of more jobs and the desire to work.
When we have faith in God instead of government, we will not be let down because our hope is in the Maker of heaven and earth, the sea, and everything in them – the Lord, who remains faithful forever (v. 6). Our trust must be in God and in the work for His purposes. Then together, we can uphold the cause of the oppressed, give food to the hungry, and provide for health.
Our love of God and neighbor can best support the alien, sustain the fatherless, and the widow (v. 9). This day with God, let us pray for steadfastness and righteous because it is in our faith that there are true possibilities. Persistence like a stream of water eventually cuts into a rock and if we remain persistent at focusing on the possibilities, we can cut into and go through any obstacle in our way. Praise the Lord for the beauty of nature, for His power, and for our chance to meet with Him in prayer.
For an inspirational start to each day, join the journey at: This Day with God Devotional.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Desire the Things of God

Desire the things of God;
Ask Him to lend a hand;
Desire to invest in others;
Make His Word known firsthand.
Draw Him close to them;
Desire to share the joy of free will;
Help them know He is near;
Share with them victory’s thrill.

May He grant your heart’s desire and fulfill all your plans! – Psalm 20:4

For an inspirational start to each day, join the journey at: This Day with God Devotional.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Questions for Reflection for Study of Psalm 143-146

David was on the run as He wrote Psalm 139-142. He was running from Saul’s men who were sent to kill him. Saul was jealous of David and saw him as a threat to his power. David is discouraged, an emotional wreck, alone, and in physical danger so he humbly goes before God in prayer for help.
We can learn from reading the Psalms the need to develop this same kind of honesty with God that David displays. There are situations we go through where our only hope is in God; when all our strength comes only from Him.
David knows he is not perfect but flawed. God had done great things for David in the past but as He writes this part of the Psalms, he’s hiding from Saul’s men in a desperate situation. Even in this situation, he still praises God.
Like David, we may face difficult days ahead but we can overcome by turning our sites on the greatness of God. Over the next few weeks, I will be posting about my journey through Psalm 143-146 and will use the questions below to help focus on each passage.

Psalm 143
On what basis does David make his prayer? What factors cause David to be thirsty for God? Summarize the basis for David’s confidence that God would answer his prayer.
Psalm 144
What symbols does David use to describe God? How does God show that He is interested in us? Contrast the power of man with the power of God.
Psalm 145
List the characteristics of God and His actions. Who and what is included under God’s compassion? How should this make a difference in the way you look at people?
Psalm 146
To what has the psalmist dedicated their life and what is their stimulus? What is the by-product of faith in God? How is eventual ruin of the wicked an encouragement to steadfastness and righteousness?
The above reading plan will be used as I share over the next few posts. It’s important to have a plan. I’m thankful that Jesus is God’s plan for us and by accepting Him as Savior; we have taken the steps necessary to make this day with Him amazing! At this link: God’s Plan for Us, is a post about accepting God’s plan or reaffirming our “YES” for Christ. 
Feel free to respond with a short note or a comment about any of the questions above. Also, I welcome any other thoughts or ideas, favorite inspirational videos, photos, or favorite Bible verses. Just add them to the comments or to a Facebook page I’ve set up at this link: This Day With God. 
Resources and Supplementary Helps Used in Posts
Adeney, Carol. This Morning with God. Downer Grove Illinois: InterVarsity Press, 1978
First United Methodist Waco Podcast
Christ Notes
Family Times
Image Source

For an inspirational start to each day, join the journey at: This Day with God Devotional.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Seek what is True and He will Get You Through

In studying Psalm 139-140 this week, what I noted was that we should hate what is wrong and desire what is right. We should desire to have Godly thoughts. If we are devoted to the things of God, then we are assured of a positive outcome.
Also, during times of worry or fear, we need to believe that God is for us. We need to be encouraged by what He has done for us in Christ. For with God is love and with love is purpose and with purpose is courage. 
Here is a poem in which the study this week has inspired: The Weapon of PrayerStarting Monday, the journey will go into Psalm 141-142. Have a great week!
For an inspirational start to each day, join the journey at: This Day with God Devotional.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Questions for Reflection to Help in the Study of Psalm 139-142

The study of the first twelve chapters in the book of Daniel was completed and here is a link to all previous devotionals: Index of Devotionals. Also, to review where I’ve been over the last few weeks along with a synopsis of the lessons learned, here is a link: Answers Received from Daniel 1-12.

The next part of the journey will be Psalm 139-142. If we let the lessons of the Word of God influence our life by desiring what is right; wanting to have Godly thoughts and are devoted to Him, then we can be assured of a positive outcome. We are each wonderfully made and He made you to do big things that can change the world for the better.

Over the next few weeks, I will be posting about the journey and will use the questions below to help focus on each passage.

What relationship does the Lord have to the totality of David’s life? Why do you think David wants to escape the presence of God? For what things will you both praise God and request from Him today?
What is David asking God to do for him? What kind of enemies do you have? How does David express his confidence in God?

What emotions do you think David is feeling as he begins his prayer? In what way can you see humility in David’s attitude? How open are you to the rebuke and correction of other Christians?

How does David approach God when he is discouraged? What is David’s problem? In what ways do our problems tend to imprison us? How can we have hope in a time of despair? 
The above reading plan will be used as I share over the next few posts. It’s important to have a plan. I’m thankful that Jesus is God’s plan for us and by accepting Him as Savior; we have taken the steps necessary to make this day with Him amazing! At this link: God’s Plan for Us, is a post about accepting God’s plan or reaffirming our “YES” for Christ.

Feel free to respond with a short note or a comment about any of the questions above. Also, I welcome any other thoughts or ideas, favorite inspirational videos, photos, or favorite Bible verses. Just add them to the comments or to a Facebook page I’ve set up at this link: This Day With God.


Resources and Supplementary Helps Used in Posts
Adeney, Carol. This Morning with God. Downer Grove Illinois: InterVarsity Press, 1978

For an inspirational start to each day, join the journey at: This Day with God Devotional.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Questions for Reflection - Study of Daniel 9-12

This past week, I wrote of my study in Daniel 5-8 and there are also two poems this study has inspired.  Please check them out at these links below:

The plan now is to post some thoughts as I spend some time in Daniel 9-12. Over the next two weeks, I will use the questions below to help focus on each passage.

What is Daniel doing that seems to initiate his prayers? What brings God’s judgment and wrath? As a Christian, how do you seek God’s wisdom, understanding and guidance?

What is Daniel doing when he has this vision? Why are Daniel’s words heard? How does the prophet receive peace and strength?

What is revealed to Daniel? Who is revealing these things (See 10:15-17)? Who will be able to stand under such chaos and pressure? Why do God’s people have to suffer? What is their responsibility during such times?

Describe the time mentioned. Can you comprehend all of God’s ways? How should you respond to what God has told or shown you?

The above reading plan will be used as I share over the next few posts. It’s important to have a plan. I’m thankful that Jesus is God’s plan for us and by accepting Him as Savior; we have taken the steps necessary to make this day with Him amazing! At this link: God’s Plan for Us, is a post about accepting God’s plan or reaffirming our “YES” for Christ.

Feel free to respond with a short note or a comment about any of the questions above. Also, I welcome any other thoughts or ideas, favorite inspirational videos, photos, or favorite Bible verses. Just add them to the comments or to a Facebook page I’ve set up at this link: This Day With God. 

Resources and Supplementary Helps Used in Posts
Adeney, Carol. This Morning with God. Downer Grove Illinois: InterVarsity Press, 1978

For an inspirational start to each day, join the journey at: This Day with God Devotional.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Devotion is the Notion

Those who opposed Daniel
wanted to bring him disgrace.
Setting him up a dinner date
with the lions at their place.

But Daniel was a man of faith.
God took care of him
and the lions didn’t hurt
in a situation that looked grim.

The king proclaimed
that all should be devoted
to the God of Daniel
and Daniel was promoted.

Envy didn’t do anything
But faithfulness got it done.
Jealousy led to death
but devotion helped a ton.

So let us continue being faithful
and asking for God’s help.
Remembering about Daniel
and the promises God has kept.

The promise of a Savior,
courage in times of doubt,
love that brings victory,
That we can share about. 

Poem by Mark Shields – © 02-22-2014

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Questions for Reflection - Study of Daniel 5-8

This past week, I wrote of my study in Daniel 3-4 and there are also two poems this study has inspired.  Please check them out at these links below:

The plan now is to post some thoughts as I spend some time in Daniel 5-8. Over the next two weeks, I will use the questions below to help focus on each passage.

Compare and contrast Belshazzar and Nebuchadnezzar. What is the message from God? How does the king respond?

What is Daniel’s position under the third king named Darius? What happens to Daniel? How do you react when misfortune or ostracism results from godly actions on your part?

What issues are brought up in Daniel’s dream? What do the beasts represent? As you participate in the establishment of God’s kingdom, what situations, tasks and problems do you find personally tough?

Having seen who is ultimately in authority, what revelation is given to Daniel in his second dream? Who is represented by the symbols? What is Daniel’s reaction to what God shows him of the future?

The above reading plan will be used as I share over the next few posts. It’s important to have a plan. I’m thankful that Jesus is God’s plan for us and by accepting Him as Savior; we have taken the steps necessary to make this day with Him amazing! At this link: God’s Plan for Us, is a post about accepting God’s plan or reaffirming our “YES” for Christ.

Feel free to respond with a short note or a comment about any of the questions above. Also, I welcome any other thoughts or ideas, favorite inspirational videos, photos, or favorite Bible verses. Just add them to the comments or to a Facebook page I’ve set up at this link: This Day With God.


Resources and Supplementary Helps Used in Posts
Adeney, Carol. This Morning with God. Downer Grove Illinois: InterVarsity Press, 1978

For an inspirational start to each day, join the journey at: This Day with God Devotional.